
So far, scikit-shapes is only available for linux and macOS, if you are a windows user, you can consider using wsl

With pip


From source

To install scikit-shapes directly from source, start by cloning the GitHub repository. Then, on a terminal, navigate to the directory and run

pip install .

From source (developers)

To install scikit-shapes with the development environment, start by cloning the GitHub repository. Then, on a terminal, navigate to the directory and run

pip install --editable .
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

The --editable option links the package in site-package to the source code in the current working directory. Then, any local change to the source code reflects directly in the environment.

The development environment contains tools for linting, syntax checking and testing. Linting and syntax tests can be run by executing the command:

pre-commit run --all-files

Tests can be run with


a coverage report is created in htmlcov/, you can open it in a web browser using for example

firefox htmlcov/index.html

You can also install the necessary tools to build the documentation with:

pip install -r requirements_docs.txt

then, to build the documentation run:

sphinx-apidoc -o doc/source/api/ --module-first --force src/skshapes
sphinx-build -b html doc/source/ doc/_build/html

And to serve it locally:

cd doc/_build/html
python -m http.server