
class skshapes.applications.vertices_landmark_setter.LandmarkSetterSingleMesh(shape)

Bases: Plotter

Single PolyData landmark setter.


shape (polydata_type) – The PolyData on which the landmarks are selected.

  • shape (polydata_type) – (str, list) shape of the grid of renderers in format (rows, columns). Ignored if N is specified.

  • N – (int) number of desired renderers arranged in a grid automatically.

  • pos – (list) (x,y) position in pixels of top-left corner of the rendering window on the screen

  • size – (str, list) size of the rendering window. If ‘auto’, guess it based on screensize.

  • screensize – (list) physical size of the monitor screen in pixels

  • bg – (color, str) background color or specify jpg image file name with path

  • bg2 – (color) background color of a gradient towards the top

  • title – (str) window title

  • axes


    Note that Axes type-1 can be fully customized by passing a dictionary axes=dict(). Check out vedo.addons.Axes() for the available options.

    • 0, no axes

    • 1, draw three gray grid walls

    • 2, show cartesian axes from (0,0,0)

    • 3, show positive range of cartesian axes from (0,0,0)

    • 4, show a triad at bottom left

    • 5, show a cube at bottom left

    • 6, mark the corners of the bounding box

    • 7, draw a 3D ruler at each side of the cartesian axes

    • 8, show the VTK CubeAxesActor object

    • 9, show the bounding box outLine

    • 10, show three circles representing the maximum bounding box

    • 11, show a large grid on the x-y plane (use with zoom=8)

    • 12, show polar axes

    • 13, draw a simple ruler at the bottom of the window

    • 14: draw a camera orientation widget

  • sharecam – (bool) if False each renderer will have an independent camera

  • interactive – (bool) if True will stop after show() to allow interaction with the 3d scene

  • offscreen – (bool) if True will not show the rendering window

  • qt_widget – (QVTKRenderWindowInteractor) render in a Qt-Widget using an QVTKRenderWindowInteractor. See examples qt_windows[1,2,3].py and



add(*objs[, at])

Append the input objects to the internal list of objects to be shown.

add_ambient_occlusion(radius[, bias, blur, ...])

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.

add_button([fnc, states, c, bc, pos, size, ...])

Add a button to the renderer window.

add_callback(event_name, func[, priority, ...])

Add a function to be executed while show() is active.


Add a depth of field effect in the scene.

add_global_axes([axtype, c])

Draw axes on scene.

add_hint(obj[, text, c, bg, font, size, ...])

Create a pop-up hint style message when hovering an object.

add_hover_legend([at, c, pos, font, s, bg, ...])

Add a legend with 2D text which is triggered by hovering the mouse on an object.

add_icon(icon[, pos, size])

Add an inset icon mesh into the same renderer.

add_inset(*objects, **options)

Add a draggable inset space into a renderer.


Add a legend to the top right.

add_observer(event_name, func[, priority])

Add a callback function that will be called when an event occurs.

add_renderer_frame([c, alpha, lw, padding])

Add a frame to the renderer subwindow.

add_scale_indicator([pos, s, length, lw, c, ...])

Add a Scale Indicator.


Add shadows at the current renderer.

add_slider(sliderfunc, xmin, xmax[, value, ...])

Add a vedo.addons.Slider2D which can call an external custom function.

add_slider3d(sliderfunc, pos1, pos2, xmin, xmax)

Add a 3D slider widget which can call an external custom function.

add_spline_tool(points[, pc, ps, lc, ac, ...])

Add a spline tool to the current plotter.

at(nren[, yren])

Select the current renderer number as an int.


Rotate camera around the view up vector.

background([c1, c2, at, mode])

Set the color of the background for the current renderer.


Break window interaction and return to the python execution flow


Reset the transformation matrix of all actors at specified renderer.

clear([at, deep])

Clear the scene from all meshes and volumes.


Close the plotter.

color_picker(xy[, verbose])

Pick color of specific (x,y) pixel on the screen.

compute_screen_coordinates(obj[, full_window])

Given a 3D points in the current renderer (or full window), find the screen pixel coordinates.

compute_world_coordinate(pos2d[, at, objs, ...])

Transform a 2D point on the screen into a 3D point inside the rendering scene.


Move the camera towards (value>0) or away from (value<0) the focal point.


Rotate the camera around the cross product of the negative of the direction of projection and the view up vector.

export([filename, binary])

Export scene to file to HTML, X3D or Numpy file.

fill_event([ename, pos, enable_picking])

Create an Event object with information of what was clicked.


Fly camera to the specified point.


Set the field of view angle for the camera.


Freeze the current renderer.

get_actors([at, include_non_pickables])

Return a list of Volumes from the specified renderer.

get_meshes([at, include_non_pickables, ...])

Return a list of Meshes from the specified renderer.

get_volumes([at, include_non_pickables])

Return a list of Volumes from the specified renderer.


Initialize the interactor if not already initialized.


Start window interaction.


Move the camera so that it looks at the specified cartesian plane

move_camera(cameras[, t, times, smooth, ...])

Takes as input two cameras set camera at an interpolated position:

parallel_projection([value, at])

Use parallel projection at a specified renderer.

pick_area(pos1, pos2[, at])

Pick all objects within a box defined by two corner points in 2D screen coordinates.

play([recorded_events, repeats])

Play camera, mouse, keystrokes and all other events.


Remove the last added object from the rendering window.


Print information about the current instance.


Process all pending events.


Record camera, mouse, keystrokes and all other events.

remove(*objs[, at])

Remove input object to the internal list of objects to be shown.


Remove all observers.


Remove a callback function by its id or a whole category of callbacks by their name.


Remove all the present lights in the current renderer.


Render the scene.


Remove hidden lines when in wireframe mode.


Reset the camera position and zooming.


Reset the camera clipping range to include all visible actors.


Reset the orientation of the camera to the closest orthogonal direction and view-up.


Roll the camera about the direction of projection.

screenshot([filename, scale, asarray])

Take a screenshot of the Plotter window.

show(*objects[, at, axes, resetcam, zoom, ...])

Render a list of objects.


Start the landmark setter.

timer_callback(action[, timer_id, dt, one_shot])

Start or stop an existing timer.


Generate a Image object from the current rendering window.

use_depth_peeling([at, value])

Specify whether use depth peeling algorithm at this specific renderer Call this method before the first rendering.


Modify the user interaction mode.


Apply a zooming factor for the current camera view



Return the list of actors.


Return the current active camera.


Start the landmark setter.