
class skshapes.morphing.extrinsic_deformation.ExtrinsicDeformation(n_steps=1, kernel='gaussian', scale=0.1, normalization=None, control_points=False, solver='euler')

Bases: BaseModel

Kernel deformation morphing algorithm.

  • n_steps (int) – Number of integration steps.

  • kernel (Literal['gaussian', 'uniform']) – Type of kernel.

  • scale (int | float) – Scale of the kernel.

  • normalization (Optional[Literal['rows', 'columns', 'both']]) – Normalization of the kernel matrix.

  • control_points (bool) – If True, the control points are the control points of the shape (accessible with shape.control_points). If False, the control points are the points of the shape. If shape.control_points is None, the control points are the points of the shape.

  • solver (Literal['euler', 'midpoint', 'rk4']) – The solver to use for the integration. Can be “euler”, “midpoint” or “rk4”.

__init__(n_steps=1, kernel='gaussian', scale=0.1, normalization=None, control_points=False, solver='euler')

Class constructor.


H(p, q)

Hamiltonian function.

K(q0[, q1, weights0, weights1])

__init__([n_steps, kernel, scale, ...])

Class constructor.


Return a copy of the model.


Return the initial parameters of the model.

morph(shape, parameter[, return_path, ...])

Morph a shape using the kernel deformation algorithm.

ode_func(t, y)

ODE function.


Return the shape of the parameter.

H(p, q)

Hamiltonian function.

Return type:

Float32[Tensor, '']

morph(shape, parameter, return_path=False, return_regularization=False, final_time=1.0)

Morph a shape using the kernel deformation algorithm.

  • shape (polydata_type) – The shape to morph.

  • parameter (Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3']) – The momentum.

  • return_path (bool) – True if you want to have access to the sequence of polydatas.

  • return_regularization (bool) – True to have access to the regularization.

  • final_time (float) – The final time of the integration. Default is 1.0, it can be set to a different value for extrapolation.


A named tuple containing the morphed shape, the regularization and the path if needed.

Return type:


ode_func(t, y)

ODE function.

Return type:

tuple[Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3'], Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3']] | tuple[Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3'], Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3'], Float32[Tensor, '_ 2'] | Float32[Tensor, '_ 3']]


Return the shape of the parameter.


shape (polydata_type) – The shape to morph.


The shape of the parameter.

Return type:

tuple[int, int]