Writing a deformation model

A deformation model specifies the type of deformation to apply to a shape. Examples include

This document is intended to explain how deformation models must be implemented to be integrated into scikit-shapes pipelines.


A deformation model must inherits from sks.morphing.BaseModel and following methods are required :

  • __init__ : class constructor used to define some hyperparameters

  • morph : method to apply the deformation to the shape given a parameter. It returns a MorphingOutput objects.

  • parameter_shape(shape=...): method that output a tuple corresponding to the shape of the parameter that must be passed to morph

  • initial_parameter(shape=...): method that returns a default parameter. For now it is a zero torch.tensor defined on the right device and with the right shape.


Deformation objects are accessed by two ways : by the end-user of scikit-shapes and internally by a task objects (such as Registration).

End-user interacts with deformation:

  • at initialization, by setting hyperparameters

  • inderectly by accessing MorphingOuput after fitting task

Task interact with deformation:

  • by calling initial_parameter

  • by calling morph(shape, parameter)

  • by copying the content of MorphingOutput

Tasks relies on optimization schemes and morph must be compatible with autograd the following test must tun without error (it is actually in the test suite)

source, target = ...  # Any shapes
loss = ...  # Any loss
# Initialize the deformation model
model = deformation_model()
# Get an initial parameter
p = model.inital_parameter(shape=source)

morphed_shape = model.morph(shape=source, parameter=p).morphed_shape
L = loss(morphed_shape, target)
assert p.grad is not None

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    p = p.cuda()
        model.morph(shape=source, parameter=p).morphed_shape
    except ValueError as e:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Expected ValueError as parameter and shape not on the same device"

Access to shape properties

Some deformation models require some attributes to be available for morphed shape. An example is shape.control_points in ExtrinsicDeformation. These attributes should not be added to the arguments of morph, but instead accessed inside morph with a clear error message if the attribute cannot be reached and if no default behavior can be defined in this case.

Custom attributes

The output of morph is a [MorphingOutput]. It is simply a class with no method and containing by default the following attributes :

  • morphed_shape : the shape morphed by the model

  • path : a list of shapes, from source to morphed_shape of length n_steps + 1

  • regularization : the regularization corresponding to the model and the parameter

Other attributes can be written inside .morph(), for example for RigidMotion, you can access rotation_matrix or translation_vector

After fitting, all the attributes of the fitted deformation model are accessible in the registration with the same name as in MorphingOutput plus an extra “_”:

model = RigidMotion()
r = Registration(model=model, los=..., ...)
r.fit(source=source, target=target)

rotation_matrix = r.rotation_matrix_
translation = r.translation_vector_
output = r.morphed_shape_